What Can We Do to Prevent the Holocaust From Happening Again

Merushe Kadiu, girl of Besim and Aishe Kadiu, who were recognised as Righteous Among the Nations in 1992 for sheltering two Greek Jews, every bit photographed by Norman Gershman www.besa-expo.ch

Wartime Switzerland closed its borders to Jews. Albanian Muslims chose to save them. These heroes, captured on photographic camera and now on testify, should serve every bit a lesson to all, participants heard at a Holocaust remembrance event in Lucerne on Tuesday.

This content was published on Jan 28, 2015 - 14:xvi

Isobel Leybold-Johnson in Lucerne, swissinfo.ch

United States Ambassador to Switzerland Suzi LeVine told the gathering of around 200 representatives from politics, society and the diplomatic customs that cooperation and tolerance – especially confronting the properties of a rise in trigger-happy extremism -  were needed to ensure that the Holocaust was never repeated.

The ceremony was held confronting the backdrop of the "Besa – A Code of Honour" External linkexhibition of photographs by Norman H. Gershman External link, which has been touring Switzerland, showing portraits of Muslim Albanians who saved Jews during the Second Globe State of war.

Speakers, including  Gabrielle Rosenstein, president of the Swiss Jewish Relief Association External link, and former cabinet minister Elisabeth Kopp, pointed to this niggling-known episode as an example for all.

'Never again'

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the extermination camp at Auschwitz-Birchenau. Around 1.ane million people, more often than not Jews, were killed at Auschwitz between 1940 and 1945.

"For me growing up the phrase 'never again' was an essential part of my language and how do we make sure that the tragedy that happened in World War 2 with the murder of innocent Jews and others doesn't happen once more," said LeVine, External link who hosted the ceremony jointly with the ambassadors of the European Matrimony, Israel, Britain, Albania, Kosovo and the organisers of the Besa exhibition.

The contempo events in French republic, which included a shooting at a Jewish supermarket, were referred to by several speakers.

"The violent extremism that we are seeing on the rise stems from the aforementioned level of intolerance and the same level of lack of understanding of ane another that happened prior to Earth War Two and I call back we have an opportunity to again work together to combat that and to fight those forces together now," LeVine commented afterwards.

Lessons learned

For her part, the Swiss Jewish Relief Association'due south Rosenstein said she saw a renewed rise of religious hatred. Here she made particular reference to the shooting in Paris. The Besa exhibition served to "strengthen our organized religion in humanity in these troubled times".

"The fact that well-nigh of these Albanians were Muslims who saved Jews is very important to immature people today and something that can exist an ideal," she told swissinfo.ch.

Notwithstanding, Switzerland, which had turned dorsum many Jewish refugees at its borders, could do more mark the Holocaust, she suggested. There is no prominent memorial to these refugees or to those who went against official Switzerland to help them, such every bit border baby-sit Paul Grüninger External linkand diplomat Carl Lutz.

Effectually 30,000 Jews were allowed into Switzerland during the war. The 1999 Bergier report into Swiss wartime refugee policy found another 24,500 were turned away. All the same that figure is contested by renowned French Nazi hunter and historian Serge Klarsfeld, who says information technology is closer to 3,000. He blames imprecise annal textile for the discrepancy.

Elisabeth Kopp, the first woman in authorities, made a comparison between how Switzerland airtight its borders but Republic of albania welcomed refugees with open arms. "But I too pointed out that the situation in Switzerland was completely unlike, it was surrounded by Nazi states and Albania was in the outskirts. But withal, the Albanians' behaviour towards these refugees moved me deeply," she said.

"What we tin larn today is that we shouldn't take whatever prejudices, we shouldn't think our faith to be the best i, we should protect minorities and not suppress then and that we should help when there is need," added Kopp.

Besa's message

The Besa exhibition features 12 portraits of Albanian Muslims or their descendants who saved Jews during World War Two, every bit collected past photographer Gershman during six years of trips to the state.

When Gershman, an American, first learned during his inquiry into Righteous Gentiles  - not-Jews who rescued Jews during the Holocaust - that the small Balkan country had a Muslim majority, he was immediately intrigued.

"Whoever heard of a Muslim saving a Jew?" the 82-year-onetime lensman told swissinfo.ch. "That motivated me as did my background. I've studied with the Sufis, which is the mystical side of Islam. Conspicuously I'm Jewish and I see no problems with being Sufi and Jewish."

Co-ordinate to Yad Vashem, External link the Earth Centre for Holocaust Research in Israel, unlike other European nations, virtually all the Jews living inside the Albanian borders during the High german occupation were saved. There were even more than Jews in Republic of albania at the terminate of the war than beforehand.

Gershman's images show family groups or individuals looking directly and proudly into the camera. Jewish refugees or neighbours were hidden in bunkers or taken to remote villages to avoid German patrols.

The photographer said that these families were inspired by the Koran, but as well by the concept of Besa, "to continue the promise": 1 who keeps his word, who can exist trusted with one'southward life and the lives of i's family. "Information technology is unique to the Albanian people, information technology'south nothing that is learned, nothing that is mandated, it's but something they do," Gershman explained.

The exhibition has been shown at the United nations in New York, the Council of Europe and the Canadian parliament, and at that place is an accompanying film. Gershman received a standing ovation at the Lucerne anniversary for his work.

The Albanian diplomatic mission, which along with the Israeli and Kosovar embassies, as well equally numerous other organisations, sits on the exhibition's patrons' committee, welcomed the "great impact on public stance" that the Besa bear witness has had.

Its administrator to Switzerland, Ilir Gjoni, said that the messages conveyed were timely, "specially nowadays when the world seems to be growing crazy with extremism of all kinds, and this is a message of hope and the possibility that humanity can supercede over barbarity and brutality".

"We are human being beings and we should respect each other of our religious or political creed."

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Source: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/swiss-commemoration_ensuring-the-holocaust--never-happens-again-/41241690

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